I've been using my time wisely ...or so I would like to say, but I surely am not doing so.
I discovered Dead Or Alive: Online - an sort of online roleplay game which has some nice typical Dead Or Alive gameplay - for PC on Saturday. And even though I knew that my laptop would barely be able to run it, I put it onto the laptop and took it with me. Just before I left I played some quick matches on my home computer ... it ran flawlessly and amazingly well! The graphics really impressed me since it seemed more detailed than Dead Or Alive Ultimate 2 - don't know about Dead Or Alive 4, since I didn't really got to play it... but this one is certainly interesting.
In the following I'll try to summarize my impressions as well as give you an idea of how the game works and where you can get it.
What I'll be writing about:
- What's DOA:O at all?
- Installation of the game
- Registration
- DOA:O, Windows 7 and "GameProtect" (GameGuard anyone?)
- Interface summary
- What you can and can't do
- DOA:O - releases in Japan, NA, EU?
- Communities
- Conclusion